Sunday, 14 August 2011

Ceramah motivasi

It takes intense motivation to start moving and hardly stopping.

Be it weight loss, getting a place at a prestigious uni, surviving uni years with flying colours, job hunting, doing excellently at work, searching for the right life partner, taking care of the family, coping with ups and downs of this harsh life, etc etc.

You've seen how extreme motivation makes the unbearable bearable, making the extremely difficult less difficult.

Fikirkan boleh!


Thursday, 4 August 2011

Qs and As

Questions are meant to be answered.
Even when you don't have the answer for the question.
And even when the answer might be wrong.

Because it is just plain wrong to leave the person asking the questions unanswered and unresponded (and then feeling flustered).

Just reply with anything that's thoughtful and pleasant.

The reason for the person to ask questions is not always to get an answer, but just to see whether you actually care to respond (and hence respond because you care).

It doesn't matter if you can't answer promptly due to time constrain. What actually matters is that you just respond to the person asking the question.

And if you ask questions but never intend for an answer, then don't ever ask any question in the first place. Just give statements without question marks.


Sampah masyarakat.. eh silap, sampah sarap

You'll never know when those junks will be useful.
Haaa simpan je la semua mendealah2 ni.
*Mode: berfikir utk spring cleaning the room but just can't be bothered*


Wednesday, 3 August 2011

That hurts!

I can't avoid thinking too hard and taking everything to heart.
I guess I'm innately born like that.
And because of that, I think I am more considerate towards others with regards to my actions. No?

It is quite frustrating when others fail to consider our (and our loved ones') feelings with regards to their actions when we've been doing our best not to hurt their feelings.
