Thursday, 31 March 2011

New day resolution

I want to become more positive, optimistic, enthusiastic, realistic, composed, and confident starting today.
Thank you.


Tuesday, 29 March 2011

I'm SAD, ie. having Seasonal Affective Disorder that is.

I'm pretty much lifeless at the moment.
Literally dead.
I blame this on the lack of sunlight, vitamin D, tryptophan, serotonin, and melatonin overdose.

It's been raining non-stop today. And this place has been sunlight deficient for the past few weeks I'd say.
Whatever it is, jangan banjir sudah.
And please don't rain heavily with ribut taufan bagai this weekend, amiin.


Thursday, 24 March 2011

All in one

1. Over-excitement (and a big mouth) kills your hope and dreams.
2. Shush! Keep your mouth shut. Tell nothing to nobody.
3. Trust no words. Ask for black and white.
4. I don't give a damn whether they're busy or not. I just want my stuffs done pronto.
5. I'm sooo gonna wallop those people in the butt one day.
6. To change the stooopid system and to get your brilliant voice heard, make yourself the bloody smart big shot first.
7. Take precaution. And keep your options (and eyes) wide open.


Friday, 11 March 2011

Fresh Billionaire

It is definitely more GLORIOUS to be YOUNG AND RICH rather than old and rich.

Well, look at this. Do you think it would still wow people as much if you don a Yves Saint Laurent dress, a Chanel handbag, a Gucci sunglass, a pair of Prada shoes, and Burberry perfume at age 80, rather than styling in these at the age of say... 25?

But, dream on! Unless you are one extremely lucky fella, which I will definitely hate you if you are dumb and lazy and an ***hole but manage to live luxuriously because your dad inherits an oilfield or a gold mine from your multibillionaire late grandfather.


Screw you for screwing my plans!

Most of the time, things don't work the way you planned not because of the defect in your planning. It was the items and people in the plan that actually screw it.

Example: need to sort out work. but no-one picks up the phone and the website is not running. need to organise a girls get-together. but then your gfs don't even reply to your messages and leave you clueless waiting.

Yes, I might be jobless at the mo, but I definitely don't have all the time in the world doing nothing else! Even if you don't respect your time, at least have some respect to other's time.


Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Problems package

Problems are like mobile plans. They come in package. 
You 'subscribe' to a job problem (example), and you also get family, life, love and other sort of problems altogether for free.


All-day everyday sickness

Lovesick is one of the (not that many) sickness that is tricky to treat.
The antidote? U think? ;)

PS: Missing someone badly that it hurts all over.


Monday, 7 March 2011

Sunday, 6 March 2011

'Spot' check

To resist picking on spots is one of the most difficult thing to do.
And you are doing one BIG stooopid mistake if you succumb to that temptation.


Saturday, 5 March 2011

On picking a present

Never give someone something you DON'T have, something you WON'T rather have, something you HAVEN'T have, and something you yourself COULDN'T have.

Just give something simple. And not troublesome to get. =P


Thursday, 3 March 2011

Si Bodoh Sombong

Instilling common sense to someone who doesn't even have one in the first place can be very nerve-wrecking. The solution is, swallow your anger and just bite your tongue. Although there's no guarantee that you won't explode in annoyance.


Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Girls are complex creatures

"I am so bored that I feel like putting make-up on for no reason," Izyan Suhaila.

Me: Well, whenever I am feeling extremely bored to death, I raid my closet and dress-up for no reason. Haha



Too hot to handle.
I'm talking about the weather.

Well, I already knew that I AM hot. =P


Tuesday, 1 March 2011

There's a silent stalker in the house

People watching is always fun to do. (I don't do birdwatching. Birds don't concern me, so I don't care =P)
It can be surprising how much of anthropology you can learn just from stalking, err... i mean observing people. *wink*
