Friday, 4 November 2011

Building hopes. Shattered dreams.

Making do with whatever available. And not expecting too much.

THOSE are the things that I find it hard to do.

And then I got disappointed.
And I break down.


Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Soal hati

It is utterly annoying to see the logic and possibilities in all those intended-to-encourage-one-to-be-cautious statements.

Yes, it is extremely crucial to be cautious, to not to be overly excited and happy, and to not to give it all to the things that are not yet certain.
But to seed doubts in the head, seriously, is it really necessary?
What good can this gives, other than leading the mind into paranoia? And making the person being brainwashed a complete bitch? And seeing hopes and dreams crushed?


Sunday, 14 August 2011

Ceramah motivasi

It takes intense motivation to start moving and hardly stopping.

Be it weight loss, getting a place at a prestigious uni, surviving uni years with flying colours, job hunting, doing excellently at work, searching for the right life partner, taking care of the family, coping with ups and downs of this harsh life, etc etc.

You've seen how extreme motivation makes the unbearable bearable, making the extremely difficult less difficult.

Fikirkan boleh!


Thursday, 4 August 2011

Qs and As

Questions are meant to be answered.
Even when you don't have the answer for the question.
And even when the answer might be wrong.

Because it is just plain wrong to leave the person asking the questions unanswered and unresponded (and then feeling flustered).

Just reply with anything that's thoughtful and pleasant.

The reason for the person to ask questions is not always to get an answer, but just to see whether you actually care to respond (and hence respond because you care).

It doesn't matter if you can't answer promptly due to time constrain. What actually matters is that you just respond to the person asking the question.

And if you ask questions but never intend for an answer, then don't ever ask any question in the first place. Just give statements without question marks.


Sampah masyarakat.. eh silap, sampah sarap

You'll never know when those junks will be useful.
Haaa simpan je la semua mendealah2 ni.
*Mode: berfikir utk spring cleaning the room but just can't be bothered*


Wednesday, 3 August 2011

That hurts!

I can't avoid thinking too hard and taking everything to heart.
I guess I'm innately born like that.
And because of that, I think I am more considerate towards others with regards to my actions. No?

It is quite frustrating when others fail to consider our (and our loved ones') feelings with regards to their actions when we've been doing our best not to hurt their feelings.


Sunday, 24 July 2011

I see more fiends than friends

People smirk with raging jealousy when you are bestowed with good fortunes.
But they applaud joyously when bad lucks fall upon you.

THIS is the reality of life ladies and gentlemen.

Trust no one.
Be cautious with everyone.


Thursday, 21 July 2011

Monday, 11 July 2011

To do EXTREMELY well in life

Dalam dunia ni kalau pandai sikit je tak boleh nak hidup lagi. Kena pandai tahap KEBABOM and kene bijak serba serbi dalam every aspects of life.
Termasuk lah dalam skil-skil mengurus diri, rumah tangga, serta memanipulasi orang lain.


Siapa malu dia rugi

Kalau nak hidup kena pandai bermuka tembok.
Lagi tebal lagi bagus.
Bermuka tembok tunjuk kau paling bagus that is.

Kalau kau bodoh diam-diam simpan untuk kau sendiri tahu sudah.

"Aku rase aku cantik".
Haa muka tembok mcm ni. Knape? Kau ade masalah?

Sunday, 5 June 2011


Bila datang, semua datang bergolek.
Bila senyap, semua skali pun senyap.
Pastu lepas lama senyap, semua skali jugak datang bergolek at the same time!

Ni ape kes weiii?! Cane I nak make decision dah kalau mcm ni?!

FB status today: "Too confused to pick one, too anxious to let go of the rests. Because none of those offer affirmative confirmation and guarantee. *this world is a weird place to live in*"


Saturday, 4 June 2011

Chill beb

I should exercise self composure a bit more.
OVER-jealousy and OVER-competitiveness is baaaad for the heart!


Thursday, 2 June 2011

Reaching adulthood

I'm at the verge of losing my mind.

Study, career, family, love, life - all are giving me headaches and making me crazy!


Tuesday, 31 May 2011

The dumb entry of a wimpy no-longer-a-kid

Too long a break makes the brain all rusty, the mind all crazy, the mood all gloomy, the self all wonky.

I wondered whether I have actually lost all the neuronal connections established throughout my life within this one year of hibernation and lying dormant.

I'm soooooo in a really deep s*** and I definitely hate this s***ty feeling of being a f***ing loser. (In case I left you wondered, yes doctors do curse as well)


Monday, 23 May 2011

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Older not necessarily wiser

The saying "lebih dulu makan garam" does NOT necessarily mean that you are BETTER than the younger ones and that you know EVERYTHING just because you have lived longer than the younger person.

To me it simply means you are not that clever and oblivious to the fact that eating too much salt for a long time is bad for your blood pressure.

p/s: the above relates nothing to today. it's just a thought that's crossed my mind long long time ago about issues that are still relevant today.


Saturday, 23 April 2011

Words of wisdom for yours truly

Air muka harus dijaga.
Kelak menyesal tidak terkira.

Think before acting.
And reflect afterwards.

Tell less.
And you'll be surprised that you feel much much better and you save all the unnecessary worries.

To let yourself feel hurt as long as others are happy
Or to let yourself happy eventhough others feel hurt?
I still have no answer for this.


Thursday, 21 April 2011

I think I might need an ECT. Well, if it can make my brain think cleverly of course.

Have you ever feel so useless because it seems as if there's nothing that you could actually do?
Or there might be something you could actually do or want to do badly, but the surroundings are not supportive thus making you feel unenthusiastic to do whatever you intended to do?

Things will go fine. So I was told and keep telling myself.
Well, as long as I can come out with something I'm capable of doing.
Or find the alternatives (if not solutions) to the things that been interfering with my plan and ideas.

Think brain, think.
You don't own an MBBS degree with distinction in medical science for nothing, right?


Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Finding solutions

Rather than reaching a dead end with nowhere else to head to, I'd prefer to think that we are stopping briefly at a crossroad to decide on the best available option to continue our journey of life.
Things will work out well, insyaAllah.


Yesterday's Thoughts, Still Today's Drama

Refuses to wake up as that means she has to worry and think. (and not that she's been having a peaceful dreamless sleep either...)

Is worried sick that she resolves to comfort sleeping and eating.

Kate Middleton is 29. Then, I should be fine. The problem is, I'm not white British and I live in Malaysia. Worse, I'm in Alor Setar.

Between the scalpel+stiches+definitely painful+certainly scarring and the hazy future+possibbly painful+probably scarring, i think i'm more afraid of what lies beyond the at 10 a.m. procedure tomorrow.

And who the hell said that falling in love will always send you floating? At the moment, I feel I'm almost drowning. (Furthermore, I can't even swim! Help!)


Sunday, 17 April 2011

Monday, 11 April 2011

Let's get the ass shaking!

It is never too late to start something.
And I want to start something with my own blood, sweat, and tears.
Hopefully to reap the fruits that'll last throughout my whole life.
So that when I am old, I can look back at my younger days and said, "Wow, I am so proud of myself!"


Sunday, 10 April 2011

Life expected

Life is a competition. Nope, a battle is a better description. May the triumph be with the best and the luckiest. 


Saya nak meletup dah sebenanye tadi. Tapi saya cover line. Sbb tu awak tak perasan. Tapi sekarang saya xleh nak cover2 balik smula dah bila saya dah meluahkan perasaan dekat my very bestest friend

Rase mcm nak meletup-letup mcm firecrackers. Tapi tak KEBABOM la pulak effect dia kan kalo banjir (read: nanges) skali.

Yes, I get upset pretty easily and I love to make BIG fuss of little stuffs.
This is what I call a hormone-influenced-creature-who-normally-gets-overly-sensitive-about-every-single-things-whom-you-shouldn't-tick-her-off-and-mess-up-with.


Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Utterly pretty

I wonder how does it feel like to be plainly beautiful?
With just minimal (or even better without any) makeup on?

Yes, I envy you.


Today is my lazy day (Eh bukan hari2 pun lazy jugak ke? =P)

Things that u shouldn't do when u are bored: Cook/bake and later digging in ur scrumptious end-products, lazing on the couch watching tv while nibbling on whatsoever u found in the kitchen/food storage room, and fb-ing and stalking others' photo albums with photos of foods in it then salivating and later finding urself munching on junk foods. I'd say sleeping is much much better. Unless u eat while sleeping too.


Monday, 4 April 2011

Head over heels, all over the moon

Rewinding it all back, I actually have many reasons to keep smiling. :)

Can't get what's been happening during the weekend out of my head. *giggles*
Okay gedik~!

(Best thing is, I'm pretty sure you have no idea what was it that made me so happy. Yes, I'm sure you didn't notice these things that you consider little stuffs and gestures. But for me, they are BIG. =) )


It's getting a bit too much to handle already

Coping mechanism, denial, survival instinct, selfishness, escape route, whatever. They're all pretty much the same to me.

The only problem is, we are not left with options to choose from. Not even one.
We HAVE to go through this.
Whether we like it or not.
And of course we are TIRED of this already!

Astaghfirullah... Oo Allah, I seek forgiveness from Thee.
Please lend us patience.
Please give us strength.


Thursday, 31 March 2011

New day resolution

I want to become more positive, optimistic, enthusiastic, realistic, composed, and confident starting today.
Thank you.


Tuesday, 29 March 2011

I'm SAD, ie. having Seasonal Affective Disorder that is.

I'm pretty much lifeless at the moment.
Literally dead.
I blame this on the lack of sunlight, vitamin D, tryptophan, serotonin, and melatonin overdose.

It's been raining non-stop today. And this place has been sunlight deficient for the past few weeks I'd say.
Whatever it is, jangan banjir sudah.
And please don't rain heavily with ribut taufan bagai this weekend, amiin.


Thursday, 24 March 2011

All in one

1. Over-excitement (and a big mouth) kills your hope and dreams.
2. Shush! Keep your mouth shut. Tell nothing to nobody.
3. Trust no words. Ask for black and white.
4. I don't give a damn whether they're busy or not. I just want my stuffs done pronto.
5. I'm sooo gonna wallop those people in the butt one day.
6. To change the stooopid system and to get your brilliant voice heard, make yourself the bloody smart big shot first.
7. Take precaution. And keep your options (and eyes) wide open.


Friday, 11 March 2011

Fresh Billionaire

It is definitely more GLORIOUS to be YOUNG AND RICH rather than old and rich.

Well, look at this. Do you think it would still wow people as much if you don a Yves Saint Laurent dress, a Chanel handbag, a Gucci sunglass, a pair of Prada shoes, and Burberry perfume at age 80, rather than styling in these at the age of say... 25?

But, dream on! Unless you are one extremely lucky fella, which I will definitely hate you if you are dumb and lazy and an ***hole but manage to live luxuriously because your dad inherits an oilfield or a gold mine from your multibillionaire late grandfather.


Screw you for screwing my plans!

Most of the time, things don't work the way you planned not because of the defect in your planning. It was the items and people in the plan that actually screw it.

Example: need to sort out work. but no-one picks up the phone and the website is not running. need to organise a girls get-together. but then your gfs don't even reply to your messages and leave you clueless waiting.

Yes, I might be jobless at the mo, but I definitely don't have all the time in the world doing nothing else! Even if you don't respect your time, at least have some respect to other's time.


Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Problems package

Problems are like mobile plans. They come in package. 
You 'subscribe' to a job problem (example), and you also get family, life, love and other sort of problems altogether for free.


All-day everyday sickness

Lovesick is one of the (not that many) sickness that is tricky to treat.
The antidote? U think? ;)

PS: Missing someone badly that it hurts all over.


Monday, 7 March 2011

Sunday, 6 March 2011

'Spot' check

To resist picking on spots is one of the most difficult thing to do.
And you are doing one BIG stooopid mistake if you succumb to that temptation.


Saturday, 5 March 2011

On picking a present

Never give someone something you DON'T have, something you WON'T rather have, something you HAVEN'T have, and something you yourself COULDN'T have.

Just give something simple. And not troublesome to get. =P


Thursday, 3 March 2011

Si Bodoh Sombong

Instilling common sense to someone who doesn't even have one in the first place can be very nerve-wrecking. The solution is, swallow your anger and just bite your tongue. Although there's no guarantee that you won't explode in annoyance.


Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Girls are complex creatures

"I am so bored that I feel like putting make-up on for no reason," Izyan Suhaila.

Me: Well, whenever I am feeling extremely bored to death, I raid my closet and dress-up for no reason. Haha



Too hot to handle.
I'm talking about the weather.

Well, I already knew that I AM hot. =P


Tuesday, 1 March 2011

There's a silent stalker in the house

People watching is always fun to do. (I don't do birdwatching. Birds don't concern me, so I don't care =P)
It can be surprising how much of anthropology you can learn just from stalking, err... i mean observing people. *wink*


Monday, 28 February 2011

Masuk tongkang kayuh sendiri

Yes you might feel that I think too highly of myself
But seriously, if you look down on yourself, you think there are others who's going to look up on you?

Dream on!
People won't kiss your a** unless they want to do you s***.
(Pardon my foul language. But I hope you get the idea).


If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all!

Cynics are the most hopeless creatures on earth.
They are envious of you,
But they retardedly make you sound like you are the retarded one who are envious of them.

Simply pathetic!

PS: Sadly we cultivate a culture where giving destructive feedback is favoured as opposed to giving constructive ones. Can't we just be more encouraging?


Saturday, 26 February 2011

Friday, 25 February 2011


My mind workd faster than my hamds or mouth.
So somethoimes I cant even read my own writings or undetsnad my own speech.

Pardon d typos. My mind is running just too fast for my hands to keep up with.


Tak boleh relax

I get inspiration and ideas during the oddest time and the weirdest place - while in shower and in the toilet. And as I get excited pretty easily, I can't concentrate on whatever business I was doing there and then when that moment of flight of ideas sparks. I have to do whatever I had in mind pronto.


Laserkan aje!

Never be afraid of voicing your thoughts out. Even though it will hurt the feelings of those who decipher. As long as you are being polite and nice, they themselves should accept the fact that you have all the rights to freedom of speech (i.e. to make your opinion known) and that you have no duty to make everyone happy and pleased.


The angry intestines

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is acronymed IBS for a good nasty reason. It is Irritatingly Bothersome Sickness! Be it due to stress, coffee, or fibre intolerance, you feel awful. Urgh!


Thursday, 24 February 2011

Drama king/queen

Stop thinking that you are the unluckiest person on earth because there are actually a lot more out there who aren't as fortunate. So stop whining and crying out for sympathy from others, because the most that strangers can offer you is only a minute-long of condolences; they'll move on with their lives afterwards. YOU yourself have to console your own sorrow and heal your won wound. So stop being a drama king/queen!


Sunday, 20 February 2011

Sunny side up

Can't we just see things on the brighter side and stop being sceptical and pessimistic just for a second?


Oh Yeah!

Trust me! The feeling of giving your best shot to something that you've always wanted to do and subsequently being rewarded with a heartfelt appreciation for that is just indescribable. Ah bliss!


Friday, 18 February 2011

Bon Voyage

Sailing a life and living aren't easy. But hey! We still have to sail into it, regardless whether we gonna sail through it or not. So screw all those uncertainties and anxieties, and we shall just get under full sail mode. As long there's you, you, and YOU cruising beside me.


Monday, 14 February 2011

Rise and Survive!

'That' could actually be an escape mechanism for 'that' person. So never judge and blame him/her. Because you never know how much 'something' actually affects that person and how that person needs a break from that something. After all, all of us need to continue to survive in this world, regardless of 'whatever' that happens. Because simply to stop living is never an available option for any single thing in this world.


Friday, 11 February 2011

Sixth sense gestures

When you think you have a hunch of what it could be, but you don't want to guess it out loud because you are so afraid that it might be true and that it will break you down and tear you apart. Life and living can be scary sometimes.


Thursday, 10 February 2011

I have restless legs. I can't sit still.

Yes I strongly believe is fate (qada' and qadar), and there is no question that everything that happens in already pre-determined by God. But I refused to just sit back and simply do nothing. An Arabic saying goes, "Man jadda wajada", i.e. those who work towards success will succeed. God never ask us to become a fatalist. So I beg you, please do understand me!


Thursday, 3 February 2011

I'm simple

I don't play riddles. And I love the fact that you make everything crystal clear.


Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Move, don't stop!

Having confidence is the key to success. Having an aim to achieve makes every single thing you do purposeful. Every single words you utter is a prayer. Whether things will work the way we wanted it to be is none within our power, so just let God decides. But it doesn't mean that we should stop trying and simply let fate runs our lives.


Saturday, 29 January 2011

Shut up!

Stop asking me when I'm gonna do 'that' and why I don't wanna do 'that'. Stop convincing me to do 'that' and stop telling me about my loss or whatsoever. I'm totally knackered and I'm so sick of this already! And I'm sick of you too so just scram and leave me alone!
